Positive Impact Marketing

Platypuses, Paddle Sports and Packaging – just some of the wide-ranging topics I’ve had conversations about this week; and how their positive impacts are benefiting people and planet!

Some highlights you may not know:

  • A dedicated team of researchers led by Michelle Ryan spend nights along the Nepean and Hawkesbury rivers, and have discovered over 60 locations (that can now be protected) where platypuses are living on our suburban doorsteps

  •  Sporting events - such as the 2025 ICF World Canoe Slalom Championships being hosted by Paddle Australia – are going beyond just sport to deliver social impact and sustainability legacies for their local communities

  • New packaging materials are now available, which keep the functionality we’ve grown to expect, enable full paper recyclability but without the downsides of microplastics or forever chemicals (do ask me for details)

I love hearing about positive impacts such as these! And helping organisations to use these strategically in their marketing. Purpose and sustainability shouldn’t be stand-alone campaign topics, but an ongoing and consistent conversation that runs across an organisation’s marketing and communications.

All claims should be fact checked, with proof to back them up to avoid greenwashing or misleading claims*. For example:

  • When a new packaging material claims no microplastics are left after disposal, there needs to be scientific evidence backing this up.

  • When a sporting event claims it has increased tourism and spend in its host town/city, there needs to be verified metrics from tourism research organisations

  • When financial support has been given to protect countryside or wildlife, there needs to be detail about the schemes it has funded and the impact this has had.

What positive impact stories have you heard this week? I’d love to hear them!

PS * A useful guide for businesses when making environmental claims is the ACCC (Australian Competition & Consumer Commission)’s Principles for trustworthy environmental claims https://www.accc.gov.au/system/files/greenwashing-guidelines.pdf

Image credit: https://www.westernsydney.edu.au/future-makers/issue-eight/why-the-platypus-fits-the-bill


Marketing Without Greenwashing Checklist


Marketing Chemistry