Marketing Chemistry

I didn’t enjoy school chemistry lessons. Until I had a teacher who started each lesson with an experiment... then shared why we needed to learn about it, with practical examples of how this reaction or technique was used in real life.

Those lessons grabbed my attention, communicated both the science I needed to know and how it was used. Which persuaded me I needed to learn and remember it.

My teacher followed Dave Trott’s* three simple rules of advertising:

Impact. Communicate. Persuade.

Only 4% of all advertising and marketing remembered positively. 7% remembered negatively. Which means a massive 89% is not noticed or remembered!

Making it very easy to waste time, energy and money on ineffective marketing.

Essential then, to know how every aspect of your marketing is contributing to the buyer’s journey; how it is creating impact, communicating and/or persuading.

Which all starts with the following three basic questions:

  • “Who do you want as customers?”

  • What do you want them to do / buy from you?”

  • “Why you?” 

In my experience, drilling down to this level of simplicity in strategic marketing planning sessions sometimes takes a while.

But when we achieve it, the magic begins:

  • IMPACT - Marketing becomes effectively focused, with clear messages attracting attention

  • COMMUNICATE – buyers understand what you do, how it will help them and why they should choose you (especially essential in B2B marketing where 82% of buyers** have mostly defined their requirements before they approach sellers)

  • PERSUADE - Sales increase as buyers are guided through their journey and are guided to buy from you,

Marketing chemistry in action. I love it!



* from “Creative Blindness And How to Cure it” by Dave Trott – an easy, inspirational read and totally recommended!


 Image credit: I Michal Jarmoluk from Pixabay:


Helping you to create impact, increase sales and fuel growth.

Using: marketing consulting, marketing workshops, marketing training and marketing mentoring.


Hannah is a strategic marketing consultant based in NSW, Australia, empowering B2B companies, manufacturers and positive impact companies to deliver effective marketing. DM to talk about your marketing needs.


Positive Impact Marketing


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